Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2023



  1. B2 LEVEL
  2. Striking - Nổi bật
  3. Resplendently - Rực rỡ, tráng lệ
  4. Aeroponic - Thủy canh không đất
  5. Vast - Rộng lớn
  6. Flourishing - Phồn thịnh
  7. Virtuous - Đạo đức, có đức tính
  8. Crucially - Quan trọng, quyết định
  9. Feasible - Khả thi
  10. Circulated - Lưu thông
  11. Intensively - Căng thẳng, chặt chẽ
  12. Constraints - Ràng buộc
  13. Capacities - Năng lực
  14. Substantial - Đáng kể, đáng chú ý
  15. Pesticides - Thuốc trừ sâu, thuốc diệt cỏ
  16. Greenhouse gases - Khí nhà kính
  17. Enriched - Phong phú, giàu có
  18. Varieties - Đa dạng, loại
  19. Sustainable - Bền vững
  20. Advantages - Ưu điểm
  21. Consumption - Tiêu thụ
  1. 1.       The __________ colors of the sunset painted the sky in hues of orange and pink.


    2.       The __________ garden was filled with a diverse array of blooming flowers.


    3.       The __________ system used in the farm allowed plants to grow without soil.


    4.       The forest was so __________ that it seemed to stretch on endlessly.


    5.       Living a __________ lifestyle involves making environmentally friendly choices.


    6.       It is __________ for us to consider the impact of our actions on the environment.


    7.       __________, the success of the project depends on careful planning and execution.


    8.       Finding a solution that is both effective and __________ can be challenging.


    9.       Information about the new initiative was widely __________ among the community.


    10.   The team worked __________ to meet the tight deadlines and complete the project.


    11.   Despite the __________ of budget and time, the team delivered an outstanding result.


    12.   The __________ of the rainforest is home to a vast array of plant and animal species.


    13.   Using fewer __________ in agriculture can have positive effects on the environment.


    14.   The __________ in the atmosphere contribute to the warming of the Earth.


    15.   The water in the reservoir was __________ with essential nutrients for the aquatic life.


    16.   The market offers a wide __________ of fruits and vegetables from local farmers.


    17.   Developing __________ energy sources is crucial for a sustainable future.


    18.   Understanding the __________ of the new technology is essential before implementation.


    19.   One of the __________ of urban farming is the ability to produce food locally.


    20.   Responsible __________ is key to reducing our ecological footprint.







  2. B1 LEVEL
    1. Exhibition - Triển lãm
    2. Rooftop - Sân thượng
    3. Abundantly - Một cách phong phú
    4. Plastic - Nhựa
    5. Vertical - Dọc
    6. Identical - Giống hệt
    7. Nearby - Gần đây
    8. Trays - Khay
    9. Coconut - Dừa
    10. Experimenting - Thử nghiệm
    11. Engineer - Kỹ sư
    12. Development - Phát triển
    13. Enquiries - Yêu cầu thông tin
    14. Produce - Sản xuất
    15. Crops - Vụ mùa
    16. Harvested - Thu hoạch
    17. Consuming - Tiêu thụ
    18. Fraction - Phần nhỏ
    19. Versatile - Linh hoạt
    20. Focus - Tập trung

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