Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Reading matching endings. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng
Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Reading matching endings. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 10, 2023

IELTS reading practice 2




             When people are deaf’ to music


Music is a universal human instinct, but there is variation in musical competence. Some individuals are "tone deaf," unable to sing, discriminate between tones, or recognize familiar melodies. This disorder can occur after brain damage, but recent research aims to discover the cause of congenital amusia, which is not associated with brain damage, hearing problems, or lack of exposure to music.

Dr. Isabelie Peretz's research reveals that amusia is more complex than pitch distinction. Amusia can distinguish distant pitches but cannot differentiate intervals smaller than a half step on the Western diatonic scale. Amusics perform worse at singing and tapping rhythms with melodies compared to non-amusics.The most fascinating aspect of amusia is how specific to music it is.

Music and language are independent, with people with brain damage in language areas still able to sing despite speech impairment. Amusics, who show deficiencies in pitch recognition, can discriminate between words in tonal languages and recognize melody mood, speaker identification, and environmental sounds due to linguistic cues in speech.

Recent research suggests that amusia is primarily caused by hearing impairment, rather than higher processing of melodies. The temporal lobes, the primary auditory cortex, are believed to be responsible for musical disability. However, new studies suggest that deficits in amusics are located outside the auditory cortex. Brain scans show that amusics overreact to large tones, indicating that the deficits are not in the auditory cortex.

Peretz's neuropsychology research suggests amusia is a disorder, but neurobiology student is skeptical. While studies show significant differences between amusics and normal brains, the question of normality arises. Every trait, including musical ability, exists on a continuum, and basic musical ability is not abnormal.

Music is culturally valued in most countries and may have been a survival factor in human history. However, it's not being selected for on an evolutionary scale anymore. Darwin believed music was adaptive for finding a mate.

Amusia is a unique form of innate musical ability, but its classification as a disability requires further research to determine if it is detrimental, and if no disadvantages are found, it is no more a disability.


Question 1-5

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-H below

Write the correct letter, A-H in boxes 10-14  on your answer sheet

1. The reason why some people are born with amusia is

2. One of the difficulties amusia experience is

3. For amusia, discrimination of meaning in speech is

4. Certain reactions in the brain of an amusia are

5. Darwin thought that music was


A. an inability to hear when spoken language rises and falls.

B. a lover-finding adaptation.

C. an inability to follow the beat of music.

D. not a problem.

E. not yet well understood.

F. a result of injury to the mother.

G. outside the auditory cortex.

H. associated with intelligence.

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